Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Save your library: open up a Twitter feed

There's an interesting debate going on regarding a report which, in passing, suggests that public libraries might be staffed by volunteers.

One thing it shows is the limitations of Twitter as a forum for debating complex issues. The Twitter comments are either moronic (e.g. "This is scary #libraries keep being mentioned as being choppable today") or, more usefully, refer people to blog posts. The CILIP forum includes a couple of robust and persuasive comments from actual volunteers, and this is very good too

Library 2.0 guru Phil Bradley doesn't see it like that. This is his solution:

"Take a video camera, video it all, put it on YouTube, open up a Twitter feed, stream questions from the rest of us in order to give us better insight. Then go out onto the streets and ask people what they think?"

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